"Delivering the Real Design"
Below listed are few questions and answers, all supposed to be commonly asked in general context, and pertaining to basic topics, however if you have any specific queries please feel free to contact us and our representative will be at your service as quick as possible.
1) How can I benefit from working with REDECOS Technologies?
At REDECOS, we guarantees that your project will be done on time, on budget, and in accordance with the latest quality and technical standards. Our services are confidential and reliable, (we are willing to make NDAs when needed). You retain copyright of the final design. By using our services, you will reduce your cost. You will also achieve savings on equipment, maintenance and infrastructure required during the development.
As per our Fair Business policy, No information of our customer in any form will be published/revealed to any. (in house work force other than key roles/ for publicity/ advertising purpose etc.) with out obtaining proper permission.
2) Why should we outsource at all? Why not hire our own Designer?
Outsourcing offers tremendous flexibility, scalability, expertise and cost management. Many companies find it tricky to afford REDECOS like design capabilities that are available when needed & trained on current requirements, and are able to scale up and complete multiple jobs simultaneously. (We will not take break or off days until the project completes) It will help your company stay “lean and mean” by outsourcing this hard to manage task. The key is to find the right vendor who will partner with your engineers and management and become a part of the team
3) What is your phone/online support like?
REDECOS Technology is extremely customer service oriented in this regard. We have 24 hour phone support, and our policy is that if there are any queries/requirements with the design project that is being developed, we will give the most priority to fix it up at the earliest.
Every design project will be assigned to one of our three design managers under the team lead and the contact details will be shared. We entertain/appreciate single point contact with every communication copied to the team lead. So that you will have exact response for your requirements at any point of time.
Please call +91-9500899626/ leave a message on contact us any time of the day for technical support or assistance or to convey a message to your project manager.
4) We have tried outsourcing and have not been happy with it. How will REDECOS be different?
We hear from many of our customers that we are different. We’re great at design service, and have a team of dedicated people & formats to provide you with frequent up to the status reports, and top notch customer service. It seems that this is a tough combination to find. Give us a try and see for yourself if we make you feel more confident about outsourcing.
5) We have a close deadline. How quickly can you deliver a design?
We would like to see your project and decide what we can do. Call or email us to request a quote, give us a guideline of what your scheduling constraints are, and we will get back to you ASAP.
We take deadlines very seriously, and if we say we will be done by a certain day, we make that happen.
6) What is the preferred means of communication?
We appreciate the initiation of communication through formal email, The project detail communication with available drawing/details in pdf/dxf/jpeg format, and/or with 3D model in step/iges format .
Pre informed tele conference or skype calls can be done on later stages of projects. 24x7 phone support on the assigned numbers can be made.
7) Do you work well with my already existing staff/system?
Yes. The scenario of an in house Team Leader, who assigns work to outsourcers works well. If you are in a situation where you have work that needs to be done, but your current staff is overloaded, and the work requires high level expertise, the REDECOS Technology is the first call you should make. We have a group of flexible people to produce the result in the way you want.
We can deliver the design on your recommended format, template and inline with your available resources all of which will be discussed and agreed mutually at the initial stage itself.
8) What are your prices?
Our price is usually based on an estimate of the time it takes to complete a project. Normally, a drawing/ a 3D model, with requirement outlines are enough to generate a quote. The hourly rates depend on the kind of expertise, work involved, special requirements in terms of out put or delivery.
9) What are your standard Terms and Conditions?
Once a contract has been signed, we issue an invoice after deliveries are made according to the Payment Schedule, which is a part of the Project Plan approved by you. Invoices may be paid by wire transfers in to our bank account, cheques, or by cash.
10) Can I try your services first before signing a contract for a large design?
Yes, you can request us to do a pilot project.
We will complete your first design project on a Fair Payment Term* (i.e. the project costing can be decided by you on a fair basis) We are so confident with our designs that, you will not have to pay anything until you are happy with the designs. That means no payment required until the mold designs have been completed and approved by you.